Post-Procedure Care for Natural Breast Augmentation in Portland: Essential Tips and Practices

Breast augmentation is a transformative procedure that can greatly enhance self-confidence and body image. At Gilson Plastic Surgery in Portland, our commitment to you extends beyond the operating room. As a fellowship-trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Aaron Gilson is dedicated to ensuring that your post-procedure journey is as smooth and effective as the surgery itself.

woman natural breast augmentation portland

Immediate Aftercare: The First Few Days Post-Procedure

The first few days following your breast augmentation are crucial for recovery. During this period, it's essential to rest and allow your body to heal. We recommend:

  • Keeping the surgical area clean and dry to prevent infection.

  • Wearing a support garment as advised to reduce swelling and support the new breast contours.

  • Managing pain and discomfort with prescribed medications.

  • Avoiding strenuous activities and following specific instructions regarding movement and sleeping positions.

Long-Term Care and Maintenance for Best Results

Long-term care is vital for maintaining the results of your breast augmentation. This includes:

  • Regularly moisturizing the skin to maintain its elasticity.

  • Wearing supportive bras to help maintain the shape of the breasts.

  • Being mindful of weight fluctuations which can affect breast appearance.

  • Performing self-examinations and scheduling regular mammograms as recommended.

Physical Activity and Lifestyle Adjustments

Returning to physical activities and adjusting your lifestyle post-procedure should be gradual. We advise:

  • Gradually resuming light exercises, such as walking, to promote circulation.

  • Waiting for several weeks before engaging in more strenuous activities, including lifting, running, or high-impact workouts.

  • Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption as they can hinder the healing process.

Monitoring and Follow-Up Visits at Gilson Plastic Surgery

Regular follow-up visits are key to ensuring a smooth recovery and optimal results. During these visits, we:

  • Monitor your healing progress.

  • Address any concerns or complications should they arise.

  • Provide advice on scar treatment and management.

  • Discuss and evaluate the long-term results of the procedure.

Addressing Concerns and Questions: Expert Advice for Patients

We understand that questions and concerns can arise post-procedure. We're here to provide expert advice and reassurance. Patients are encouraged to contact us with any questions, no matter how small they may seem.

Your journey doesn’t end after the surgery. It's a continuous process of care and adjustment. At Gilson Plastic Surgery, we're dedicated to guiding you through every step of this transformative journey.

-Dr. Aaron Gilson
Gilson Plastic Surgery
Portland, Oregon


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