The Increasing Popularity of 'Mommy Makeovers' in Portland, Oregon

In recent years, 'Mommy Makeovers' have seen a surge in popularity. As a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, I've noticed an uptick in inquiries about this comprehensive and customizable set of procedures. But what exactly is a 'Mommy Makeover,' and why is it gaining such traction?

Understanding 'Mommy Makeovers'

A 'Mommy Makeover' is a term for a series of surgical procedures designed to restore the changes a woman's body undergoes during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These procedures typically focus on the breasts and abdomen, the areas most affected by pregnancy. They can include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, lift or reduction, and liposuction.

The Rise in Popularity

There are several reasons why 'Mommy Makeovers' are becoming increasingly popular:

  • Increased Acceptance of Plastic Surgery: Society's perception of plastic surgery has evolved significantly, making it more acceptable for women to seek surgical enhancements.

  • Desire for Personal Comfort and Confidence: Many women seek 'Mommy Makeovers' to regain comfort and confidence in their bodies after the physical changes brought on by pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Customizable Procedures: 'Mommy Makeovers' are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They can be tailored to address each woman's unique concerns and aesthetic goals.

Key Procedures in a 'Mommy Makeover'

  • Breast Lift, Augmentation or Reduction: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause significant changes in the breasts. These procedures can restore breast volume, lift sagging breasts, or reduce breast size for improved comfort.

  • Tummy Tuck: This procedure removes excess skin and tightens weakened abdominal muscles, restoring a firmer, flatter abdomen.

  • Liposuction: This procedure can remove stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, further enhancing the body's contour.

The increasing popularity of 'Mommy Makeovers' reflects a growing recognition of the significant physical changes women undergo during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I am committed to helping women navigate these changes and achieve their aesthetic goals with personalized care.

-Dr. Aaron Gilson
Gilson Plastic Surgery
Portland, Oregon


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