What is a Breast Revision Surgery? A Comprehensive Guide by Dr. Aaron Gilson

Breast revision surgery is a procedure that many women may consider, whether due to changes in lifestyle, desires, or complications from a previous surgery. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what breast revision surgery entails, common reasons for undergoing the procedure, and what patients can expect during the recovery process.

What is Breast Revision Surgery?

Breast revision surgery refers to procedures performed to replace old breast implants with new ones or to address any issues related to previous breast augmentation. This surgery aims to improve or change the appearance of the breasts, ensuring that the patient's aesthetic desires are met while addressing any discomfort or complications that may have arisen from the initial surgery.

Common Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery

Dissatisfaction with Size: One of the most common reasons for breast revision is a desire to change the size of the breasts. Whether due to a change in preference or initial dissatisfaction, many women opt for this surgery to achieve their ideal breast size.

Capsular Contracture: This condition occurs when the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing discomfort or altering the appearance of the breasts. Breast revision surgery can alleviate pain and restore a natural look.

Implant Rupture or Migration: Concerns about the integrity and position of the implant can also lead to revision surgery.

Change in Implant Type: Some women may wish to switch from saline to silicone implants or vice versa, depending on their preferences and needs.

Aesthetic Concerns: Cosmetic issues such as asymmetry, rippling, or changes after weight loss or pregnancy can be addressed through breast revision surgery.

The Procedure

The specific procedure for breast revision surgery will depend on the reason for the surgery. It may involve replacing the implants, performing a breast lift, releasing scar tissue, or modifying the implant pocket. The surgery is tailored to address the unique needs and goals of each patient, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Recovery and Results

Recovery from breast revision surgery is similar to that of the initial breast augmentation. Patients can expect some swelling and soreness, but these symptoms will gradually subside. Following postoperative care instructions and avoiding vigorous activities for the recommended period will aid in a smooth recovery. The goal is to achieve natural-looking results that align with the patient’s aesthetic desires and to alleviate any discomfort associated with the previous implants.

Breast revision surgery is a valuable option for women seeking to address issues or changes related to their breast implants. By understanding the reasons, procedure, and recovery associated with breast revision surgery, patients can make informed decisions about their care. At Gilson Plastic Surgery in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Aaron Gilson specializes in tailoring treatments to achieve the best aesthetic result for the face, breast, and body, utilizing both surgical and non-surgical techniques.


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