Combining Abdominoplasty with Other Cosmetic Procedures: A Comprehensive Guide

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a sought-after procedure that rejuvenates the abdominal region by removing excess skin and fat. While the transformative results of abdominoplasty are undeniable, many patients often wonder about the possibility of combining this procedure with other cosmetic surgeries.

Why Combine Abdominoplasty with Other Procedures?

The primary reasons patients opt for combined surgeries are to:

  1. Achieve harmonious and comprehensive aesthetic results.

  2. Save on overall costs associated with separate surgeries.

  3. Undergo a single recovery period, minimizing downtime.

Commonly Combined Procedures with Abdominoplasty

  1. Abdominoplasty and Liposuction: This combination targets stubborn fat pockets while tightening the abdominal skin, offering a more contoured appearance.

  2. Abdominoplasty and Breast Augmentation: Often part of the "mommy makeover," this combination addresses post-pregnancy body changes.

  3. Abdominoplasty and Facelift: While less common, some patients opt for a full-body rejuvenation, addressing signs of aging on the face and abdomen simultaneously.

Safety Considerations

While combining procedures can offer multiple benefits, patient safety remains paramount. It's essential to ensure that the combined surgeries don't exceed a safe operative time. Moreover, the patient's overall health, age, and medical history play a crucial role in determining the feasibility of combined procedures.

Recovery from Combined Procedures

Recovery duration can vary based on the combination of surgeries. Generally, patients should expect a slightly extended recovery period when multiple procedures are performed simultaneously. However, the advantage lies in undergoing a single healing phase rather than multiple separate recoveries.

Combining abdominoplasty with other cosmetic procedures can provide transformative and harmonious results. However, it's crucial to consult with a trained plastic surgeon to discuss individual goals, assess risks, and determine the best surgical plan tailored to one's needs.

-Dr. Aaron Gilson
Gilson Plastic Surgery
Portland, Oregon


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