Minimizing Scars After Abdominoplasty: Expert Guidance from Dr. Gilson

Abdominoplasty, often referred to as a tummy tuck, is a transformative procedure that rejuvenates the abdominal region by removing excess skin and fat. While the results can be life-changing, one common concern among patients is the appearance of scars post-surgery. As an aesthetic plastic surgeon in Portland, Oregon I want to offer guidance on how to minimize and care for scars after abdominoplasty.

woman with flat stomach

Understanding the Abdominoplasty Scar

The abdominoplasty procedure typically requires a horizontal incision that spans from one hip to the other, often concealed below the bikini line. Depending on the extent of the surgery, there may also be a scar around the belly button. The appearance and healing of these scars can vary based on several factors, including the patient's skin type, age, and the surgical technique used.

Expert Tips to Minimize Scarring

  1. Follow Post-Op Instructions: Adhering to the post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon is crucial. This includes keeping the incision clean, avoiding strenuous activities, and refraining from smoking.

  2. Apply Silicone Sheets or Gels: Once the incision has healed, silicone-based products can be beneficial. They serve as a barrier, preventing excessive collagen production and thereby reducing the prominence of scars.

  3. Limit Sun Exposure: UV rays can darken and thicken scars. Protect your incision from direct sunlight, and always apply sunscreen when outdoors.

  4. Consider Microneedling with Radiofrequency: This procedure stimulates collagen production, improving the texture and appearance of scars.

  5. Laser Skin Treatments: Laser treatments can fade the redness and lines over the scar, making it less noticeable.

  6. Massage the Scar: Gentle massage can help break up scar tissue, improve circulation, and promote healing. However, always consult your surgeon before starting scar massage.

FAQs on Abdominoplasty Scarring

  • How can I reduce my tummy tuck scar?
    Following post-op instructions, using silicone products, limiting sun exposure, and considering treatments like microneedling and laser therapy can help.

  • Can a tummy tuck scar be lowered?
    The placement of the scar is determined during surgery. Discuss your preferences with your surgeon beforehand.

  • Does massaging a tummy tuck scar help?
    Yes, gentle massage can improve circulation and break up scar tissue, but always consult your surgeon first.

  • How do you break up scar tissue after a tummy tuck?
    Massaging and certain treatments like microneedling can help. Again, always consult with your surgeon.

While scarring is a natural part of the healing process after abdominoplasty, with the right care and guidance, you can ensure that your scars heal beautifully and become less noticeable over time. Remember, the journey to a rejuvenated abdomen doesn't end with the surgery; it continues with diligent post-operative care.

-Dr. Aaron Gilson
Gilson Plastic Surgery
Portland, Oregon


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